Utility of infrared thermography for the evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis

Short summary of the thermography research

Using a thermal imaging camera, infrared thermography (IT) enables the measurement of skin temperature without the use of ionizing radiation and is non-invasive, operator-independent, and cost – effective.

Independent investigation of IT for each joint level (wrist, finger joints) in individuals with RA showed a greater temperature over uncomfortable and swollen joints. The highest temperature in the middle joints of the fingers and the differential in temperature between the wrist or finger metatarsophalangeal joints and the skin of the forearm were found to be the most significant findings.

Infrared thermography can be an effective, non-invasive imaging method in the evaluation and follow-up of arthritis in RA patients.

Loarce-Martos, J., Bachiller-Corral, J., Cuevas, I. F., Quintana, M. S., & Díaz, M. V. (2019). THU0087 UTILITY OF INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY FOR THE EVALUATION OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Poster Presentations. https://doi.org/10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-eular.5601

The benefits of ThermoScope

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