The use of thermography in medical diagnostics: protocol of a scoping review

Short summary of the thermography research

Background and status of (inter)national research: The growing number of publications on the subject also demonstrates the growing scientific interest in thermography. A non-invasive, radiation-free method of measuring temperature is provided by thermography. It is occasionally used as an alternative to mammography and for the diagnosis, follow-up, or treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, diabetic foot syndrome, and other conditions, but the extent of its current use and the strength of the evidence supporting each use case are unclear. Additionally, population-based thermographic reference values are hardly ever used for diagnostic purposes.

Objective: This scoping review’s goals include cataloging the technical modalities, identifying patient demographics and disorders for which thermographic imaging is employed as a diagnostic tool, and assessing the quantity and type of evidence supporting standard diagnostic practices. Additionally, it is important to assess whether certain reference data exist.

Discussion: Thermography may supplement or replace, at least in part, radiation-based techniques as well as those that call for highly specialized knowledge or expensive technical equipment. For example, in the case of diabetic problems or rheumatic disorders, it brings up a wide range of new opportunities for preventive diagnostic and therapeutic monitoring. Technologies like thermal imaging, where each examination generates large amounts of digital data that are far beyond the capabilities of an examiner’s analysis, are finding new and challenging applications thanks to the expanding possibilities of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.

Kesztyüs, D., Brucher, S. & Keztyüs, T. (2022, 30 September). Der Einsatz der Thermografie in der medizinischen Diagnostik: Protokoll eines Scoping-Reviews. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, Düsseldorf.

The benefits of ThermoScope

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